Saturday, February 2, 2013

DD Catastrophe

Okay so since it's Saturday I know all you crazy college kids are going out tonight. Amen to that, but if you're like me and my friends, "Whose driving tonight?" was said today about fifteen times. Here's the thing, some of my friends don't drink every night so they don't mind DDing. But the times that everyone wants to have a little fun can put some stress on everybody. 
My suite has had some serious DDD, (designated driver drama) but there are ways to work it out:

Cabs. Okay it's not ideal, spending money sucks especially when you're a poor college student like me, but sometimes it's necessary. If DDing is a huge problems between you and your friends, pick one night that you guys penny up and take a cab. 

If cabs aren't big at your school or you're just way too cheap (like me) then do what me and my friends do. The weekends at SHU consist of bars, house parties, and clubs. Each night something different. But if you're like me and you'd rather go to a house party than a club, offer to DD on club nights.  

If you guys still can't decide, do it up old school. Throw names in a hat and cross your fingers that your Burnetts bottle won't go untouched for the night.

Regardless what you party animals choose, dont D&D. (drink and drive) 
Let's be honest, that's just stupid and lame. 

Party on people!

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